The rhythm of a contemporary woman's life is such that it is not surprising that we talk about a “rabid” pace. We study a lot, work until we're gray, help others and live a rich cultural life. In general we have time for everything and have time for nothing....
In this merry-go-round it is very easy to lose yourself and to become a lifeless peg in a big system – without calm, without God in your heart. Lately in the Internet and on TV stories have appeared about women who are striving to bring an end to this exhausting pace. These stories all have a lot in common – the woman quits work, flies away to the ocean shore, where she finds herself and calms her spirit. It is very unlikely that we'll ever hear the continuation of such stories, but one thing is certain – just moving to a different location is not enough to enrich your spiritual life. What really does support us Christians is fellowship with other sisters in Christ.
I'd like to tell you about those who have grounded themselves despite life's busy pace, who have found their own place and a place for God in their heart. From May 2 to 7 in the Omsk oblast in a wonderful pine forest on the banks of the Irtysh women gathered from various corners of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Urals, Siberia and Far East. There was a lot of variety – of age, of family status, profession, and each had her own story of her path of faith. At the same time there were also similarities – they were joyful and full of love because God lives in their hearts. The have a lot of life experience and they know how difficult it can be as a woman in the contemporary world. But these women have a sure foundation – Jesus Christ.
All week these sisters in faith looked at what superficially seems to be a simple theme - “Friendship – a gift from God” - using Bible stories and life experience. But at the end of the week it became clear that that theme was not so simple and that even more time would be needed to study it deeply. Everyone was very enthusiastic about the Bible studies that Deaconess Sister Heidi Butzkamm led – an in-depth study of the book of Ruth. Tatyana Serebrova, Tatyana Muramtseva and Anastasia Razinkova are also to be thanked for preparing lectures.
The entertainment part of the seminar was prepared by Anastasia Razinkova and Natalia Sivko, who filled the seminar with a positive and energetic atmosphere. We need to say a special word of thanks to the translators – Larisa Filippova and Anna Guray – for their service.
Besides Bible studies and entertainment there was another important aspect of the seminar – prayer. Many prayers, a really enormous amount of prayers and songs. A great joy to pray and sing together in a large circle of sisters. To pray for one another, to give thanks for joy and to ask for help with problems.
Every one of these woman could happily witness to how good and merciful the Lord is, how He has wondrously formed our lives and give us the people we need as loyal friends and companions, how He helps us to find ourselves, to find our place and to give love to those who surround us. These beautiful women do not need to go to the ocean shores to find spiritual balance, because an ocean of God's love is already roaring inside of them.
Natalia Sivko

In this merry-go-round it is very easy to lose yourself and to become a lifeless peg in a big system – without calm, without God in your heart. Lately in the Internet and on TV stories have appeared about women who are striving to bring an end to this exhausting pace. These stories all have a lot in common – the woman quits work, flies away to the ocean shore, where she finds herself and calms her spirit. It is very unlikely that we'll ever hear the continuation of such stories, but one thing is certain – just moving to a different location is not enough to enrich your spiritual life. What really does support us Christians is fellowship with other sisters in Christ.

All week these sisters in faith looked at what superficially seems to be a simple theme - “Friendship – a gift from God” - using Bible stories and life experience. But at the end of the week it became clear that that theme was not so simple and that even more time would be needed to study it deeply. Everyone was very enthusiastic about the Bible studies that Deaconess Sister Heidi Butzkamm led – an in-depth study of the book of Ruth. Tatyana Serebrova, Tatyana Muramtseva and Anastasia Razinkova are also to be thanked for preparing lectures.

Besides Bible studies and entertainment there was another important aspect of the seminar – prayer. Many prayers, a really enormous amount of prayers and songs. A great joy to pray and sing together in a large circle of sisters. To pray for one another, to give thanks for joy and to ask for help with problems.
Every one of these woman could happily witness to how good and merciful the Lord is, how He has wondrously formed our lives and give us the people we need as loyal friends and companions, how He helps us to find ourselves, to find our place and to give love to those who surround us. These beautiful women do not need to go to the ocean shores to find spiritual balance, because an ocean of God's love is already roaring inside of them.
Natalia Sivko
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