Abakan, Khakasia (Russia)
From January 8 to 10 I had the happy opportunity to take part in an educational seminar for organizing summer Christian camps in Khakasia and work with children.
On the first day we waited for our guests – Olga Kryukova and Anastasia Razinkova . Together with them we prepared the program for the camp. The guests from Omsk shared their experience from using the program “Jesus – Superhero.” We liked it very much and dove into various aspects of the program step by step, making suggestions along the way for how we could adapt it to our needs. We considered our past, positive experiences, and we wanted to make a program that was full as possible with interesting games and tasks, but we need to make sure it all fits into four days time!
The creative spirits hovered while a spring of new ideas bubbled; we decided then that we wanted to include a night game into the program of the camp – something that the kids remembered from previous camps and hiking trips. We also concluded that the high point of the whole camp (spoiler alter!) would be Family Day.
The first day ended with games for getting acquainted; I became convinced once again that there is not age limit for games. My feelings were just the same as they were when I played them 5-7 years ago – they still are a great pleasure.
Real work began on the second day. Olga Kryukova is great at teaching methods. We talked with her about how to “translate” Biblical stories (which sometimes even adults don't understand) into kids' language. What does the main idea look like? How to make understandable lessons out of every paragraph on the Bible?

Day 3. Today we all tried out what we had prepared during the previous days. The children were waiting for us in the Chernogorsk congregation. We were a little worried, since we had serious work ahead of us. There were a lot of adults, so the kids were tense at first. Then we used a game to get acquainted; we moved around a little bit, and the kids began to feel more relaxed.

After closing all the adults in the delegations when to the village of Borodino and my small daughter and I went home, having been revived and inspired by the work together and with the kids.
Elena Fedorova
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