Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Something New Every Time

  In 2014 the congregations of Khakasia and the souther part of the Krasnoyarsk region (central Siberia) renewed their efforts (after a long period of dormancy) to organize a Christian summer camp for children. The success of that first effort gave the team of volunteer leaders there the confidence to plan for another such camp in 2015. They were assisted in their efforts by Anastasia Razinkova, the person responsible for youth ministry in the region. Anastasia helped bring them together for a weekend planning retreat this spring; she arrived in Abakan from Omsk bearing gifts, more concretely, with an idea for the camp theme and program. The next step was adapting the material that Anastasia provided so that it fit the ages of those children who were expected to attend and the gifts and limitations of the situation “on the ground.”  In this case it was particularly important to take into account the resources the volunteers could provide – Viktoria Matskevich, who is a talented musician with a lot of experience with children; Andrey Masiorov had many years  experience with the Boy Scouts; the youthful and energetic Arthur Ertel could lead sports and Anna Guray's experience with language camps in the past means she knows a lot about organizing.
  There was good news before the seminar – the number of kids who wanted to attend just kept rising and rising. This helped the volunteers remain optimistic and energized, despite all of the challenges of planning.
  While Anastasia was in the area, she was invited to take part in the youth group meeting in Chernogorsk. This was one more ministry that was inert for quite some time, but lately Pastor Dmitry Schweitz and others in the congregation have helped re-start this important part of the congregation's life; it is hoped that some of the youth from Chernogorosk will take part in the church-wide seminars that are planned in Omsk.

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